October, 2024
Meet The Supplier

Meet The Supplier – This Month We Delve In With Andy McCaul from The Bigger Boat Marketing Agency

by Julia Ford

Andy McCaul, managing director at full-service integrated marketing agency The Bigger Boat, shares more about the business’ end-to-end service offering, gives some must-know advice for aspiring industry professionals, and delves deeper into his dream movie casting.

1. Tell us about your role at The Bigger Boat Boat, and the part you play:

Together with my fellow directors and the senior management team, I oversee the strategy and direction of the company, as well as ensure we deliver high-quality, solutions-driven work that achieves excellent results for our clients.

2. What has been a key highlight for your organisation, to get to where you are now?

When we set up our business 15 years ago, we leased a small office from Towngate. At that time, there were just three of us in the team, and the space had capacity to accommodate one more. Moving into a ‘proper office’ – also owned by Towngate – seemed like a significant milestone in our early days. Since then, we’ve accomplished so much more, from winning coveted awards to onboarding well-known clients.

3. And what’s next for your business?

In addition to the marketing services we initially launched with – design, development, and digital marketing – we recently acquired Scriba PR to enhance our agency toolkit with public relations. Our goal is to continue working strategically and effectively for our clients, helping to grow their businesses as well as our own.

4. Share one word you would use to describe your industry:


5. Finish the sentence: The biggest misconception faced by our business sector is…

That all agencies are the same. If you’ve tried something with one agency and it failed, it doesn’t mean that particular activity is flawed. Often, the issues come down to poor strategy or execution – or both – which can naturally lead clients to become sceptical. This is something we see frequently, and we’re keen to change it by showing how tailored strategies can make a genuine difference.

6. What advice would you give someone starting a career or business within your sector?

Be prepared to learn. This sounds so obvious, but there’s more to marketing – and the rest of our service offerings – than you might think. To continuously improve (which we can all do), you have to be prepared to read, research, and test. Even if you think you know the best way to do something, there may be a more efficient or effective approach around the corner. So, being open-minded is key.

7. And the best piece of professional advice you were ever given?

Never assume! It’s another simple one, but so many things can go wrong with assumptions. When you work in an industry that delivers work to deadlines, you should assume nothing and check everything.

8. What do you think will be the biggest trend within your industry over the next 12 months?

Everyone has become obsessed with AI, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. However, people will eventually need to focus on genuinely useful applications of AI, rather than just using it and talking about it because it’s the latest big thing.

9. If you are out of the house for an hour, what would be the first activity you opt for, to pass the time?

I’d go for a run – great for burning calories and clearing your head.

10. And finally, for a bit of fun, if you could play a part in any movie or TV show, what would it be and why?

It would have to be a role in Star Wars, potentially as a Jedi… though maybe not Yoda!

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